One night a young astronomer
Did gaze upon a star
And saw it glowing brightly there
Like the antithesis of tar
He gathered up his scholar peers
To ask what it could mean
But they all said, “it’s meaningless.”
“Ask again if it turns green.”
They jeered and mocked him as they went
Not looking with their eyes
To see a star in daylight blaze -
What could it symbolize?
Yet two did stay to speak with him,
The young astronomer,
One who studied the histories
The other literature
They spoke of tales and prophecies
In some far western land
Of a coming king and saviour
Who would rise to God’s right hand
They asked the young astronomer
If he could lead them to
The place beneath the star’s zenith
Without further ado
The boy surprised to hear all this
Began to hesitate
But in the end he chose to lead
Their long adventure great
The men they packed their camels high
Provisions stacked in cliffs
And yet the boy said, “One more thing!”
“A king deserves some gifts.”
The two rich wise men thought to give
And spare no small expense
Thus they found the most lavish gifts
Purest gold and frankincense
The young lad wished to give as well
A kingly gift like myrrh
He worked and saved and sold his scrolls
His small means did not deter
He bought his gift and then they left
Just guided by a star
And through the desert and the plains
They journeyed from afar
After questing lengthened days through
Lands barren, burnt and wild
They came to a small Jewish town
And found a Jewish child
“This child,” said they, “Will one day be
The King above all kings
Great joy and mercy, justice too,
Love and hope is what he brings.”
They laid their wealthy presents down
At the small boy’s tiny feet
And Mary with her husband watched
Them give a royal greet
And then the young astronomer
Said “these our meager gifts
Laid at his feet are naught compared
To He who heals our rifts”
And if they entered in that day
Two magi and a boy
They left that place on homeward paths
Three wise men full of joy.